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The IB allocates ample time for writing tasks in Language B, therefore, time shouldn't be a concern. Nevertheless, it is important to have a framework in mind and to carefully plan out the response before the writing begins.

When I start an essay, I always follow these three steps:

​Example Essay Prompt: 近来同学们都在热议媒体偏见这个话题。今天你和朋友们谈起了媒体存见偏见的原因,媒体偏见带来的危害等问题。难道这样的偏见是无法避免的吗?回到家里,你依旧感慨万千,心绪难平。请写出你的感想

Text types: 日记,博客,信

Step 1:Analysis the prompt carefully to ensure the prompt is addressed. I like to highlight key words in the prompt to make sure I understand what it is asking.

  • 内容:找出关键词:媒体偏见,原因,危害,避免

  • 写作格式:写出感想 - 最适合日记格式

  • 写作文体:说明文+说服文

Step 2: Analysis keywords and think deeply about the issue behind the prompt. In this prompt, the societal issue is media bias. Hence, it is worth pondering about the reason why media bias occurs and the impact of such.

  • “媒体偏见”的含义: 某人偏向某一方的见解,无法维持中立客观性去报道新闻。

  • 造成媒体偏见的原因:个体的(教育、家庭背景、个人社会定位),社会的/时代的

  • 媒体偏见的可能危害:掌握话语权的人对群体和社会的影响

Step 3:Construction of arguments

开头 (Introduction):文章的要点 (从题目来),写作目的/理由/原因(从题目来)- 用自己的话重组题目,必须包括上述两点。要注意措辞,因为你必须在主体部分要对开头的关键词进一步展开说明。主体:原因 – 媒体偏见在所难免,人们对事物的评判都无法脱离自身所处的社会环境、成长环境,教育和家庭背景的影响。这些直接影响人们的三观(价值观、世界观、人生观),个人的印记/烙印

Generally, at least one idiom should be included in every single paragraph of the essay. I like to plan the idioms I can use for each paragraph beforehand.



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